Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy Maddenoliday

So it was actually yesterday, but I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Maddenoliday. For those of you who aren't huge fans of the greatness that is the video game Madden (or lucky/unlucky enough to be married to someone who is), then let me explain. Maddenoliday is the day that the yearly installation of Madden is released, so it's an exciting day for video game playing goofballs everywhere and before I "became a real person" (which is a whole other story), I would have taken the day off and just enjoyed playing Madden all day.
But Jenni was nice enough to pick up a copy for me at Costco and I was able to get a few games in last night. It's definitely a much improved game over last years version (which basically sucked for all intents and purposes), and it's kind of frustrating to play right now because I haven't played in quite some time and have a lot of rust to knock off, but it's looking like it will be a really fun game and I can't wait for the Madden Challenge this year because I won't be playing as the Raiders this time (which got quite a few funny looks last year since they basically suck) and I'm hoping that I can bust the top 8.


Anonymous said...

I've never really gotten into sports video games (well, besides NBA Jam back in the day), so I guess I'm pretty ignorant and not sure what I'm missing. But hey, there's nothing wrong with taking a day off to play games every now and then!

Anonymous said...

yeah, I cant wait for the Madden challenge either...Bring Jenni!!!!! haha! Happy Maddenoliday to you too. Nerd.

Anonymous said...

Dave, you have a right and an obligation to me and the rest of mankind to win the Madden Challenge. Just remember, when you have a moment of weakness where you feel like putting the controller down, or stopping for a "potty break", or quiting to read a book or take a nap -- just remember that, at the end of the Challenge, only one man will be declared the winner. Win one for me and poor little red-haired Hudson!

There's your pep talk.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pep talk, Bryce, because I haven't played in months and I have just realized that I suck at it right now and really need to get my act together. The sad thing that I just realized today is that we will be moving in to our house on the same day as the Madden Challenge, so it looks like I'm just taking one more of those steps towards becoming a "real person".

Anonymous said...

Dave, all you need to do is freeze up a couple boxes of go-gurt to get you through those rough patches in the Madden Challenge. As for becoming a real person...that can wait a day or two.

Anonymous said...

How did I ever live before Bryce introduced me to the sweet nectar that is gogurt? We'll be in Sacramento this Christmas, so if you guys are still in town then me and Jenni will have to make a trip down to the Bay Area to finally meet the Hudmeister.

Anonymous said...

We'll be here this Christmas, so give a brother a call.

Anonymous said...
