But enough of the "mushy" stuff, and onto the interesting parts of the picture. The black part of the image is the gestational sac and the little circle in the middle is the yolk sac (something that I didn't even realize existed in human pregnancies, but the doctor said that it will simply be absorbed by the woman's body or expelled during delivery so it serves no real purpose). The white blob above the yolk sac is the baby. The head is the larger area just above the yolk sac and the black dot is the beginning of the brain cavity (you could see the brain a LOT better in one of the other angles, but they didn't give us a photo of that). The rest of the body is sticking up and to the left, so you can see the one of the arm buds sticking up from the top in the middle of the body and you can see both of the leg buds out near the end. So it's kind of like the shape of a little teddy bear.
It's just over 1.4 cm long (just over a half of an inch) and the doctor said that everything looks great, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that everything will continue as expected.
Jenni told me all about the doctor yesterday. Its all so exciting. I have to agree with you though, its lots of responsibility, but I know you and Jenni will not be screwing up any babies in the near future! You guys are both going to be great. What a fun time. I am a little jealous. I also have to say that I appreciate your explanation of the ultrasound picture. I always see those things, but I never have a clue where the baby is, so thanks for explaining. I totally see it now! haha. Congrats again!
The pics look very cute, but I think this little thing is going to be Jenni all the way :) Thank goodness! We're so excited for you guys and I can't wait to be an aunty.
Ya, the doctor joked that it was a boy because "he was already playing with a ball" and for some reason I believed him and got all excited, but then he told me that it was just the yolk sac. So I guess that we'll just have to wait and find out what it really is.
Dave, all this talk about yolk sacs has gotten me really hungry for a hard-boiled egg. . .
Dave, all I can say is eat at all the nice restaurants, sleep in on Saturday and enjoy watching your shows on TV (and not "Baby Einstein" video tapes). Just kidding, it's great and you guys will be great parents.
I kind of have to agree with Bryce...live it up now because life will never be the same. Not in a bad way, just different. You guys will be great parents. Seriously, if Bryce and I can do it, you guys will be awesome!
no, christina, actually in a bad way
Sheesh, Bryce. Don't scare them now, it's too late!
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