Sunday, December 2, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Or at least as much as it can here in Tucson. So there's no snow, or sleighs, or jingle bells, but people do put little chili pepper lights on cacti. But as I stated previously, I actually don't mind the lack of snow and cold.

But onto the real story. Today and yesterday, Jenni and I spent some time putting up Christmas lights on our house. We started out trying to use these little plastic clip things that we got at Target for a couple bucks, but I decided that it was worth taking the time to just use metal hooks like Jenni had originally suggested. It was a pretty big pain, but I think it will make this whole process a LOT easier next year (or at least I hope so).

Also, as you can see it was a "very cold" 60 degrees outside, so I had a jacket on.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya. I consider cold to be anything less than 70 degrees. Oh, and nice lens flare!

Anonymous said...

way to go on your honey-do list!!! You're the best.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting your lights up. Hope you didn't freeze out there.