So Christmas has come and gone. We had a great time in Sacramento visiting Dave's family. While we were there we went to the mountains for a night. Dave's parents and grandparents each have a property there. This is a picture of me trying to wear a snow bib. It didn't quite zip up around my middle which is getting bigger and bigger. I'd like to think that my belly was just too pregnant. However, truthfully, they probably wouldn't have zipped up anyway. For Christmas, we bought a new camera as our big gift to each other. We also received some nice gifts from family. We got a fondue pot, scrapbooking things, some cash, baby stuff, and of course Dave's favorite gift (other than the one in the above picture) Guitar Hero. I am about 4.5 months along. I can feel the baby kicking almost everyday now, which is really neat. Dave has also been able to feel a few kicks as well. It is amazing. We have a lot to be grateful for and look forward to a wonderful year ahead of us.
New Years Resolution: Get to church on time.
sounds like a great christmas. im a tiny bit disappointed, though, that thats the ONLY preggo picture of you! lets see some more!!
i got the new UL catalog the other day, thanks a bunch. my sis-in-law was really excited about her gift; she just moved into a new house so shes ready to be decorating. i would think youll hear from her soon. so when i was looking through the new catalog, i noticed the one i LOVED (mem.or.ies . . . ) wasnt in there. is there a little longer left to order it, or is time up?!
anyway, thanks for you help with that stuff. ill keep checking back for more fun posts!
Hey, you're looking good in those snow pants. Welcome to the boy club! We are excited for you guys.
We miss you in our ward!! Congrats on a little boy!! Boys are so much fun!!! I love having my two little guys...
I hope things are going well with the pregnancy. When are you due?
www.kaboom989.vox.com (our family blog)
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