So, apparently when your temperature goes over 100 and you're pregnant that is a free ticket into the hospital for atleast 1 night. My flu like symptoms had lasted about 2 and a half days when I finally took my temperature at home. I found out it was 102.9 and I was still shivering cold. My brother, Dr. Burns (the Dr. stands for doctor not drive like we joke with him) came over and told me I had high heart rate and low blood pressure as well. He prescribed lots of gatorade and a trip to the ER. By 11pm on Wednesday night Dave had driven me there and they immediately gave me a room and began an IV with liquids to get me hydrated. Since I had been so congested, the ER doc suggested a "breathing treatment." Bad idea!! I hated it. My already high heart rate (120s) went up to 160 and I got SO shakey. I couldn't hold my body still. Anyway, after doing that twice (yes twice), I convinced the doc that was not working. He then called for a CT scan to rule out pulmonary embollism (blod clot in lungs). Thank goodness I didn't have that either. I did find out that I had bronchitis (hence the green junk I was coughing up) and I also was told I had influenza. By 7am the next morning, (still in the ER) my temperature had gone to 102 again and Dave was there sponging me off to cool me down and get my heart rate to 100. They told me they wouldn't let me leave until it was that low. Finally by 9 or 10 I was doing better. All is good right, time to go home!? That's what I thought.....
This is where being pregnant makes everything worse. So the ER got word from my OBGYN office that instructed me to go over to the Women's Center to monitor the baby and make sure everything was fine. I was told this would take an hour or so and then I would be on my way home. So, gleefully we went to check on the unborn child and we were happy to find out he was doing just fine and survived the whole experience unscathed. He had a good heart rate and good movement for a long night with a sick mommy. Thinking now I was really done, the OBGYN on call told me there was no way she would be letting me leave. She wanted me hooked back up to an IV, receiving more fluids, and she told me I was staying there at the hospital for the night to be monitored and make sure I do not start having contractions. So, yes, Thursday night was also spent in the hospital. I stayed at the Women's Center, which was much nicer than the ER. However, this was the same place all of the new babies and mommies were so I was more or less quarantined to a room in the back corner for 18 hours (joy). I certainly didn't want to get any of those new babies sick, but it was just a long time to be stuck in that room.
Anyway, I am home now. Fever is under control. Heart rate back down. I think the worst of it is behind me. I have a stuffy nose and other flu/cold symptoms but I think things are getting better. I certainly couldn't have made it through without a loving husband who stayed with me the whole time. I am a hospital wimp. I have never had to stay over night before. We are both not used to ER trips that turn into sleepovers, but we concluded that staying at the Women's Center was good practice. As we left, we commented that hopefully the next time we leave that place we will be bringing home our new baby boy.
You're just lucky that I was a walking zombie when I ran home on Thursday morning, or I would have remembered the camera...
Wow...that's kinda scary. Glad you're doing better. And I'm very glad to hear your little baby is okay too. Hope you feel 100% soon. :)
God bless is all I can say! I've never dealt with the flu/pregnancy, but I have spent my fair share of time in the ER and Women's Center tethered to IV's and can sympathize with your adventure. Not fun! Glad you are home and doing better!
Geez, Jenni! I hope you're feeling better now. That doesn't sound like fun at all. I got bronchitis and strep while I was pregnant and it wasn't fun, but it doesn't compare at ALL to what you've been through. Feel better soon!
I'm so sorry, that must have been very scary. I'm glad that you and the baby are alright. Hospital stays, even if you're having a baby, are really not very fun. Take it easy and just work on getting all better! Good thing Dr. Brian was there to help! =)
ooh thats awful! i am so glad youre on the mend, and baby boy is doing just fine. TAKE CARE!!
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