So, our laptop is being serviced and we are using our TV as our main computer. Yes, you can do that. Ask Dave about it, if you'd like. It is kind of a pain, but I actually don't mind as much as I thought I would. The wireless keyboard helps, so I can sit on the couch. Dave did a great job building our DVR/TV computer. Kudos to him for a job well done. I knew he could do it.
Anyway - - that is why I am not posting as much - - it's harder to upload photos without the laptop. So here's an update without photos.
Our summer is surely here. We go to the pool every week - Charlie loves the water. He just floats all through the pool and blows bubbles.
He is definitely walking - all the time and getting much faster. Some new things he does....
1. He opens bedroom doors. as of yesterday.
2. He says "ow wow" when he wants something open - usually my cell phone
(I apologize to any of you who have received a call from Charlie)
3. He says "HI" or just "iiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeiiiiiiii" once the phone opens
4. He is trying to say 'crackers' but it sounds more like "ks ks"
5. He also uses his finger to make his lips vibrate (you know what I mean hopefully) and then he will grab at my lips to get me to do it. I just make a noise and he moves my lips for me. It's actually really cute.
6. He loves tickle time. Every afternoon he gets really silly and crawls on the couch and then flips upside down, giggles, and looks at me like "you can't get me" - and of course I do.
7. He's becoming a better cuddler- he lets me rock him and he puts his head on my shoulder (usually it only lasts a minute but I love it)
8. Everyday when Dave comes home, I take him outside to see Daddy to come driving home down the street. Once Dave turns the corner, he points at his car and says "dada dada" When Dave gets close to us, he rolls down the window and Charlie gets in while he pulls into the driveway to park. He gets so excited to see him!
9. He tries to eat rocks and dirt.
10. His favorite toy - hands down - is a working cell phone (yes he knows the difference)
11. He makes the sign for milk.
12. Last funny story - 2 days ago I heard him wake up from his morning nap. I was putting laundry away so I just let him kind of whine in there for like maybe 4-5 minutes while I finished. Then it got quiet. I went in there and pulled him out of his crib. As I was walking around the house with him - i noticed he was naked! stinker took his diaper off!! I feel like he was warning me: "You see this mom - next time there will be poop everywhere if you leave me in there whining!" Warning taken. Definitely don't want that to happen.
WOW! He and Lincoln need to meet. They are getting into all the same kind of trouble and do many of the same cute things! Although, Lincoln hasn't yet figured out the dipaer trick......
Cute! I like how they all figure the same things out at the same age. The little stories just get better and better as they get older!
Diaper fun in your future! Good luck with that... Glad Payson hasn't tried!
I've created a monster, but I can still remember the time when you said, "Dave, I will never call our TV a 'computer'."
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