I'm preggers. And I am excited. No, really I am. OK, I am nervous. Fine. But, I really am very excited on the inside.
Mindy made me these cute cupcakes a few weeks ago! THANKS, Minners! Charlie messed up the Y on the BOY ones.
And to answer all of your questions . . . . .
When are you due?
Very end of June. But, if this one is anything like Charlie that means the end of May. They will be 2 years and 2 months apart.
How far along are you?
about 7 weeks
How do you feel?
Been having a LOT of mirgaines and I feel lightheaded, somewhat quesy, and I just feel exhausted most of the time. BUT - maybe this is just preparing me for life with 2! Haven't thrown up though! Never did with Charlie, so hopefully this will remain true.
Was it hard to get prego?
Many of you know it took a little extra help to get pregnant the first time with Charlie because I have PCOS. This time, things just worked with very little fertility help. We had only been "trying" for 6 months. We really thought it would take longer, but are so happy. The emotional stress with the fertility last time was NOT something I wanted to deal with again.
How does Dave feel?
He is super excited! We were both like "Oh wow, look there's 2 lines!" Very surprised!
How does Charlie feel?
Well, being that he is quite smart.... he is preparing himself for life with another child in our home. He often speaks in FULL sentences about his willingness to share all of his toys, crib, clothes, and bedroom possibly with another sibling. Not to mention, his parents undivided attention. He even naps on demand when he can see I am tired. Wouldn't THAT be nice? OK, honestly as I am sure you know - - - - he has little to no idea about what is going on. On occasion, we can get him to point at my belly and say baby.
Boy or Girl?
No idea! I have no feeling as to what it is and really would be happy for either. A boy would be much cheaper, so I think Dave is pulling for that one. I think if I have a girl I would be tempted to make that the grand finale (or maybe that is just my exhaustion speaking). So, I will probably have a boy. Then, have to try for a girl again later. We have always said we want 3 or 4 kids. OK - I say 3, Dave says 4.
Have you been to the doc?
We went to the doctor yesterday. My REI, Dr. Hutchison, always does an ultrasound and bloodwork to confirm pregnancy and then sends me to the regular OB after that. So, yesterday we had the ultrasound. I saw the dot. It is very cute. And very alone. No twins here (which I was slightly worried about since I feel like I already have a pooch! and the fact that fraternal twins run in my fam -(my Dad has a twin sister)).
After monitoring the heartbeat, the doctor also said that my chances of miscarriage are now in the single digits. Hence - me posting this news. And besides, 15 of my closest friends already know and quite possibly 15 of their closest friends already know as well.
Hopefully I answered all of the important questions! :) I really am VERY excited to see our family grow. With 1 child, it's like we are a couple with a baby - with 2, I feel we really will be a family.
Tearing up from writing that last bit......ok yes I am definitely pregnant. YAY!
Hooooray!! Good for you guys! SO glad to hear the wonderful news!
Wait what, you're pregnant? :) J/K I'm glad you posted....keeping it a secret has not been easy! And I also love you for not waiting 5 months to tell people! We're just so dang excited for you guys! I'm so happy to have niece or nephew #2 woohoo! And your little alone dot was very cute! You will def have your hands full, but that's why I'm only 8 houses away to help! And better full than empty, right? Wink wink...
Congratulations!! I am so excited for you.
Congrats to you guys!! Happy news!
Thanks guys! And yes, Mindy better full than empty! And also glad you are right here to help! I know I'll need it!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so gosh dang darn excited for you!
oh Kal, you crack me right up.
Thank you for thoroughly answering all questions anyone might have for you :) It's very exciting. You'll be a wonderful mom of 2! Once the initial sleeplessness of the newborn phase passes, life starts to get pretty manageable once again.
We are pregnant together again! Lindsay will be 26 months older than this baby too! Oh, when are you coming to visit me.. or Daves family :) I'm so excited for you guys, and Charlie. He is such a boy. Lindsay totally knows there is a baby and she likes to lift up my shirt or dress at her will to check it out, just charming! I don't recommend the flu shot, it gave me some really bad migraines, and if you already have some, who knows. But I've also had issues with that shot in the past. I find out the gender at the end of the month and have no feelings either, just glad its there, healthy and moving. I feel super pudgy too and I swear I'm way bigger than I was last time. My neighbor is nice and always tells me I don't look that big... I don't always believe her :) Good luck, can't wait to hear more! Congratulations to the Johansen family!!
Congratulations! Sorry about the headaches, though!
oh that's wonderful! congrats and good luck with it all.
well i was surprised, no one told me! i know exactly what you mean about being a "family" with 2. sososo happy for you guys. congrats, jenni!!!
ps im routing for a boy ;)
Hooray! I'm so slow at checking blogs lately...so call me an awful friend. But we're so happy for you. Congratulations!
Hooray for you. I am so happy for you and baby #2. I guess I am hoping it is a boy too so you won't stop. You are such a great mom & more than 2 kids need to experience that firsthand! Good Luck! I will keep up to date with you so I can see what to expect_ as I guess I'm just 2-3 weeks behind you! Congrats again!
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