Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jill 6 Weeks Old - Photo Shoot

My friend Margie came and took some cute photos of Jill 2 weeks ago. Jill wasn't particularly a fan of the whole proces and so I had to do a lot of this:

And we had to deal with a lot of this:
But we were lucky enough to get some that looked like this:

Margie is busy editing the rest of the batch and I can't wait to see more!

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Hoenes Family said...

Okay, that last one is so amazingly adorable. Love it. Can't wait to see the rest!

Sabrina said...

I love that last one too. Newborn pics are so hard to do. Those babies just don't want their pictures taken, but it looks like you've got some promising ones coming your way. I hope you post more of your favorites when you get them.