Monday, May 14, 2012

It Has Begun...

It's been a while since I posted on the blog, but a few weeks ago, Jenni asked if I could write blog posts to keep everyone updated on the arrival of the newest Johansen in the world. Since she's the one doing all the work to get the baby here, I figured it's the least I could do to keep everyone updated.
Last night, Jenni was having contractions about ever 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours, so we got all geared up for another middle of the night run to the hospital, but the contractions stopped around 10:30 and we just had to wait for the induction.
And that is what lead us to where we are right now. Well, we actually made a stop for dinner on our way to the hospital, but we're at the hospital now and the induction has officially begun. Jenni's only dilated to about 1.5, so they have to wait to start the pitocin and just gave her a pill to kick start the dilation until she's a 3 or 4. And the wait begins.
The one funny story that's happened so far is we were originally assigned to a room but the computer wasn't working in there. They moved us to a room across the hall that had a bath and birthing ball. Jenni found it very fitting that we were in a natural birthing room so she could be induced. I had to admit that the irony was kind of funny.
But everyone should enjoy these pictures of cute, pregnant Jenni, because next time you see her, she'll be holding a cute little baby in her arms.

1 comment:

Emily Blais said...

Thanks for the updates all along the way Dave! Getting up in the night to feed Lila was much more bearable because there was always an update to read on the blog! Nice work! And Jenni, I have said it twice now, you deserve an award for having an almost 10 pounder! Way to go you guys! He is PERFECT! I can't wait to meet him!!!!