Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bennett's Baby Blessing

Bennett was blessed by his Dad on June 10th 2012.  He was just 3.5 weeks old!  Dave gave him a beautiful blessing with the help of some wonderful men in our family.  We were grateful that the whole Johansen family could come as well as my Mom, and Grandma.  I was sad my brother Kenny couldn't make it this time, but grateful Brian and his family hadn't moved yet and could be a part of the special day.  My Grandmother, so Bennett's GREAT Grandmother, gave him a bath that morning so he was nice and clean for his big day.  Ben wore the same outfit that Charlie wore when he was blessed.  After the blessing we came back to our house and enjoyed dinner and treats.  We really are very blessed to have such supportive families.  Ben started to hold his head up a little bit that day - it was so cute!  We sure love this newest addition to our family!!

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