So the club reunion has come and gone. What an eventful reunion it was. From the Dreaded Grove to Comedy Sportz I had a lot of fun. A few "miscommunications" couldn't stop us from staying friends through it all...lol. This is a great pic of all 5 of us sporting our super cute CLUB shirts. Thanks to Casey for making the letters nice and straight and to Eric for taking this cute picture of everyone. And, I should also thank Laurel's hubby for making the Dreaded Grove the highlight of the trip. I bought lots of maternity clothes while in Utah (its a great place for such purchases). But the thing I am missing the most right now is a juicy J-Dawg. Those of you who have had a J-Dawg before know why this is such an amazing hot dog. OH MY GOSH! I should have had 2. Anyway, I think I am just hungry right now (as usual). Speaking of food (as usual again), we ate at a lot of great yummy places like J-Dawgs, Kneaders, Hot Dog on a Stick, Smokehouse, Smart Cookie, Jamba Juice, Pizza Factory, Biaggi's, and my favorite: The Melting Pot (for dessert only). I could have done that twice too. The food was also a big highlight of the trip (for me atleast). I also liked staying in Krizia's bachelorette pad with Emily. We watched FRIENDS (like in the olden days) and Krizia also took good care of us: SHE WASHED MY JEANS, and picked out cute things for me to wear when I get fat. She has good taste. Yes I did lose her necklace, and yes I did break her plate, but whatever its fine. She still loves me. :0)
Dave, why couldn't we get sweet jackets, too?!?
Dude that would be sweet. Now we just need to come up with some dumb slogan/motto to put on the back of them.
how rude! Jenni, I like it. We made the right choice, well, maybe not in all the food that was consumed, but on the jackets!
whats so rude?
Dave, I got it: "Look to the cookie". You can't go wrong with a slogan like that. . .
Bryce and Dave are making fun of our club shirts!
What? Me and Bryce are just joking around, and we never said anything about the shirts.
lol..........yes they are just jealous!!!
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