Friday, May 11, 2012


 We are officially in our first soccer season!  Charlie's team is called the Fireballs!  I'm so glad we are red - since that is Charlie's favorite color - it makes going to soccer games all that more exciting.
 This was our 1st game - the Smurfs (blue) VS the Fireballs.  This age plays with no goalies and we just cheer when the kids are going the right direction.

 Celebrating with his team after a good play!  During his second game, the other team scored in our goal and at that moment Charlie was the closest red player to the net so we are considering it his 1st goal of the season!  I told Charlie I'd give him a dollar for every goal he scored.  His eyes lit up!  Dave rolled his eyes at me, but if you know Charlie you know how much he loves dollar bills!  At this age, it's honestly hard to keep him focused on the game play - Dave and I believe it may have been better to wait another year, but he does have fun which is all that really matters.
We love our little soccer player!

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